** Club Championship Event **


One XC finished and another around the corner : Bracknell Forest Club championship XC will you be there?:BFR’s 2013/2014 will take place on January 19, 2014. Once again our race will be held at Lightwater Country Park, The Avenue, Lightwater, Camberley, Surrey, GU18 5RG with the usual 11.00am start.
The venue is easily found being just off the A322 to the south of Junction 3 of the M3. After leaving the M3 proceed south on the A322, almost immediately turn right into Guildford Road and then third right into The Avenue. The venue is at the far end of The Avenue.

We apologise for the limited parking which we have to share with other users of the park, but the good news is it‘s free. Please encourage car sharing by your team members as far as possible. Also experience shows that parking can take longer than you might think given the toing and froing of others park users cars.

Please collect race packs from me; also return them to me after the race once you have completed them.

This year’s race will be over more or less the same course as last year. It’s not considered suitable for spikes.

Toilets are available at the ranger station. Please do not use the toilets in the gym as this is a privately operated club not a public facility.

Refreshments will be available at the finish.

The country park is a site of significant scientific interest. Please help us by ensuring that all litter is properly disposed of and we leave the site in an even better state than it was when we arrived.

For the Thames Valley Cross Country League website go to:
